Origin of the Name for
AnyCasting S-ECAM Equipment

The 21-year history of AnyCasting,
its structure and research
capabilities, and the origin of the
name of AMEBA 3D are introduced

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Why AMEBA 3D ?


The most fertile organism, Amoeba

Highest fertility and ubiquitous on Earth

Among living things, the organisms with the highest fertility are single-celled animals, and the representative of them is the Amoeba. The Amoeba is one of the oldest living organisms in the history of the Earth, which appeared about 1 billion years ago, and inhabits everywhere on the planet, even below 10,641 m in the Mariana Trench (National Geographic Channel). The Amoeba is variably shaped single-celled organism, found in fresh water or salt water, in humid soil or, sometimes, as a parasite of animals. It moves about and feeds with the help of pseudopodia (Britannica Visual Dictionary)

The most fertile organism, Amoeba


Origin of Equipment Name, AMEBA

AMEBA 3D is Similar to AMOEBA

The AMEBA is taken from the first letter of each of the following words: Additive Manufacturing Engineering and Busi
ness Acceleration. Because AMEBA 3D uses the electrochemical method including an electrolyte, it is variably shaped
and creates the shape anywhere on the planet like a living organism, AMOEBA.

AMEBA 3D is Similar to AMOEBA

High Fertility of AMEBA 3D

AMEBA 3D has a wide range of applications, large scalability, and high design freedom for customer’s needs as a
metal 3d printer for electronic circuits and micro parts, which like the high fertility of living organism, AMOEBA.